CIBER research published in Science
Seminal fluid from one male can damage the sperm of other males in insect species where females mate with several males but female secretions seem to inhibit this effect. The research conducted investigated the effects of the seminal fluid of two species of bees – the multiple-mating honeybee and the single-mating bumble bee – and three species of Panamanian leaf-cutting ants, of which two have queens that mate multiply. The results now published in Science indicate that only the seminal fluid of the multiple-mating species appears to have the capacity to damage the sperm of competitors. In the single-mating bumblebees, the male inserts a ‘plug’ into the female once she is mated which seems to prevent her re-mating, so ejaculates from different males never get into contact with each other and appear not to have evolved a system of sperm warfare.
Press coverage
Commentary in Science: click here.
Commentary in Nature: click here.Article in New Scientist: click here.
Article on ABC website: click here.
Article in National Geographic: click here.