Elina Nino

Elina Nino

 Name: Dr. Elina L. Niño, PhD. 

 Function: Associate Extension Specialist for Apiculture with UC ANR UCCE, located in the
 Department of Entomology and Nematology at UC Davis.

Research: Dr. Niño’s team supports a number of
stakeholder groups through a number of educational activities and by offering laboratory and
field services. Dr. Niño’s research interests encompass basic and applied approaches to
understanding and improving honey bee health. Ongoing research projects include
understanding queen mating and reproductive processes, testing novel biopesticides for
efficacy against varroa mites, benefits of nutritional supplements such as probiotics and
phytochemicals, and evaluating pollination management practices with a goal of supporting
honey bee health.

To learn more about the research and extension/outreach efforts please visit
https://elninobeelab.ucdavis.edu/ , https://cambp.ucdavis.edu/ and