Short CV of Boris Baer
2017- Professor for Pollinator Health, University of California Riverside, USA
2017- Research Associate, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
2013- Adjunct Professor, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
2016- Adjunct Professor, Curtin University, Western Australia
1996-2000 PhD in Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
1994-1995 Masters in Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
1990-1993 Studies in Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
2012-2017 ARC Future Fellowship offered by the Australian Research Council
2015 Visiting Professorship, University of Halle, Germany.
2012 Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany.
2007-2011 Queen Elisabeth II fellow offered by the Australian Research Council.
2005-2006 Postdoctoral fellow offered by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
2005 Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany.
2003-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2001-2002 Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Discovery grant (2017-2019): Molecules of love and warfare as agents of sperm competition (Australian Research Council, 414'000 A$).
UWA Research Collaboration Award (2016): Evolutionary Proteomics: Molecules of love and warfare. 17'500 A$.
Linkage Grant (2015-2017): Safeguarding Honeybees: Increasing parasite treatment effectiveness using nanotechnology (Australian Research Council, 430'000 A$ and 120'000 A$ from industry partner).
UWA Research Collaboration Award (2014): Quantifying costs and benefits of helping - Hamilton's rule in termites. 10'000 A$.
UWA Research Collaboration Award (2014): Investigating the unique gut bacteria of endemic Australian termite species - a potential source of novel cellulases for biofuel production. 19'300 A$.
Linkage Grant (2014-2016): Safeguarding honeybees: understanding host-parasite interactions at the level of proteins (Australian Research Council, 430'000 A$ and 160'000 A$ from industry partner).
Discovery Grant (2013-2015): Evolutionary Proteomics of Social Insects (Australian Research Council, 280'000 A$).
Future Fellowship (2012-2015): Linking evolutionary and molecular biology to safeguard Australian honeybees (Australian Research Council, 875'000 A$).
SIEF John Stocker Fellowship Program (2012-2014): Epigenetic regulation of gene expression by DNA methylation in insect models (Science and Industry Endowment Fund, 375'000 A$).
Reseach Collaboration Awards (2012): Better Bees? Immunity in Australian feral honeybees (World Universities Network, 10'000 A$).
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2011): Terabase sequencing for mutant, developmental, environmental and population genomics (Australian Reseach Council, 550'000 A$)
Centre of Excellence in Computational Systems Biology (2010-2013, WA Centres of Excellence scheme, 1'470'000 A$)
Reseach Collaboration Awards (2011): Evolutionary Proteomics: Understanding bee immune diversity on the molecular scale (World Universities Network, 15'000 A$).
Linkage Grant (2010-2013): Better bees for tomorrow: A proteomic and physiological characterization of male fertility in managed versus feral honeybees in Western Australia (Australian Research Council, 640'000 A$ and 160'000 A$ from industry partner).
Reseach Collaboration Awards (2010): Identification and effects of sexually transmitted honeybee diseases (World Universities Network, 10.000 A$).
Discovery Grant (2008-2010): What defines sperm success? The influence of sperm on storage and paternity success in the honeybee Apis mellifera (Australian Research Council, 285'000 A$).
Large Infrastructure Grant (2008): MALDI imaging and protein analysis facility for Western Australia (Australian Research Council, 470'000 A$).
Large Infrastructure Grant (2008): A cryopreparation facility for Western Australia (Australian Research Council, 260'000 A$).
Queen Elisabeth II Fellowship (2007-2011): Sex, sperm and society: Insights into the evolutionary potential of sexual conflict in insects, a fundamental question in evolutionary biology (Australian Research Council 840'000 A$).
Stipend for Advanced Scientists (2005-2006): Sexual selection in social insects (Swiss National Science Foundation, 152'000 A$).
Marie Curie Outgoing Individual Fellowship: Social Insect Sperm, (European Community, declined).
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2001-2002): Swiss National Science Foundation, IHP replacement, 160'000 A$).